Monday to Saturday - 10 AM to 8 PM


It is a surgery done to treat aperforation in the ear drum and middle ear problems.

Ear disease otherwise called Chronic otitis media results in a hole of the ear drum and damage to the hearing apparatus of the ear. Hence Tympanoplasty aims at two vital goals, i.e., firstly to clean up the middle ear and its surrounding area of disease hence preventing the possibility of complications from the disease itself and secondly to improve hearing by means of repairing the damaged bones of the middle ear and also by repairing the hole in the ear drum.

Prior to the surgery, the patient has to undergo a few blood tests and an Audiometry test to assess the degree of hearing loss.

It can be done under Local or General anaesthesia.

The approach for the surgery is usually by an incision in the groove behind the ear and hence there are no cosmetic issues from the surgery. The surgery can also be done by the transtympanic approach using an endoscope to avoid even this scar.

It is a safe and effective day care surgery in which the patient can return home the very same evening. The patent is discharged on oral antibiotics and supportive medication and can return to work in 5 days.

There is a tight bandage that is applied around the head of the patient with pressure on the operated ear. This bandage is to be kept intact and dry for 3 days after surgery after which it is removed.

Usually around 1 month after surgery.


It is a surgery indicated for Otosclerosis wherein there is a fixation of Stapes bone of the middle ear. This condition results in significant hearing loss as the fixed bone loses its mobility which is necessary in order to conduct sound across the ear drum to the inner ear.

This surgery involves making a fenestration in the stapes footplate and replacing the remaining Stapes bone with a piston made of Fluoroplastic or Titanium.The surgery is done using Imported piston from Grace medical Inc.USA and a Medtronic Skeeter drill.

100%. The results are evident immediately by the end of the surgery.

A Pure tone audiometry and Impedance audiometry test are required to diagnose this condition and some other basic blood tests that are required prior to any surgery.

Stapedotomy is is performed under local anaesthesia or General anaesthesia according to the patient’s preference.

1 to 1 and half hours

The surgery has no cosmetic issues as it is performed transtympanically.

The patient is discharged on the same evening on some oral medications and a small bandage around the operated ear.

The bandage around the ear is to be kept intact and dry .It will be removed after a week. The patient is advised to avoid forceful nose blowing,straining whie passing stools, bending and lifting heavy weights.The patient is to avoid travelling in flight for 4 weeks post surgery.


It is a surgery to straighten the central septum of the nose.

It is indicated in a condition called “Deviated nasal septum” wherein the central partition of the nose is bent to one side as a result of which it result in a blocked nose. This condition does not respond to medication.

It is performed under Generel/local naesthesia but most patients prefer to sleep. The patient has to be on empty stomach from the night before the surgery. The duration of surgery is 1 hour. The surgery is performed by using Endoscopes.After the surgery the nose is packed and closed with medicated packs for 24 hours during which the patient will have to breathe by mouth. At the time of discharge, the nasal packs are removed.

Usually 24 hours.

You will be required to undergo a few blood tests .

After 1 week

Avoid forceful Nose blowing and sneezing.


It is a surgery done to eliminate chronic sinusitis,Nasal polyps and Headache due to Sinusitis. It is meant to clear the nose and the sinuses of infection and improve the drainage and ventilation of the sinuses and hence improve breathing through the nose.

It is usually indicated when the disease has resulted in complete blockage of the nasal cavities due to polyps, which are grape like structures that grow due to repeated sinus infections. It is also indicated in conditions where there are no polyps but where in the Sinusitis causes recurrent episodes of severe nose block, fever, facial pain, post nasal discharge and/or bad breath that is not responsive to medical therapy.

The surgery is done using Karl storz Endoscopes and Medtronic Microdebrider and is usually performed under General anaesthesia. After the surgery, the nasal cavities are packed with a special pack that is removed 24 hours later. During this time the patient will have to breathe with his mouth.

Usually 24 hours

You will be required to undergo a few blood tests and CT scan of your sinuses before the surgery.

After 1 week

Please call our emergency numbers incase of any bleeding from the nose/throat, fever, headache, severe pain.